[Tutor] Tkinter canvas movement question...
Danny Yoo
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 01:03:07 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Jason O'Dell wrote:
> Fellow list users, I JeSo (long time reader, first time poster) come
> bearing problems... Ok, using Tkinter, I have the following code,
> class dude:
> def __init__(self):
> self.physical = screen.create_oval(30,270,60,300, fill='white', outline='white')
> def left(self):
> screen.move(self.physical, 5, 5)
> (screen is earlier defined as a Tkinter Canvas widget)
> and elsewhere i have,
> circle = dude()
> root.bind_all('<Left>', circle.left())
root.bind_all('<Left>', circle.left)
(without the parentheses)
(Hey, that was self-referential advice! *grin*)
What you had before,
> root.bind_all('<Left>', circle.left())
already calls circle.left() as a function; instead, what we want is just
to pass circle.left off as a function.
Here's a small example to demonstrate the idea:
>>> def balloon():
... print "Boom!"
>>> balloon
<function balloon at 0x80e7774>
Just as long as we don't put parens at the end, the function doesn't get
called. It's just a function thing that we can pass around, hot potato
>>> basket = [balloon]
>>> story = ('red_riding_hood', basket)
>>> b = story[1][0]
>>> b
<function balloon at 0x80e7774>
>>> b()
And it's this function itself that we want to pass to bind_all(), and not
the result of calling that function.
Hope this helps!