[Tutor] calculator

Andrei Kulakov ak@silmarill.org
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 14:16:17 -0400

On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 02:07:22PM -0400, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Andrei Kulakov wrote:
> > Is it just me, or are alphanumeric menus much nicer, i.e.:
> >
> > menu = {
> >     'c': circlearea,
> >     'a': squarearea,
> >     'r': rectanglearea,
> >     'o': squareroot,
> >     'a': addnumbers
> > }
> >
> > And that letter is colorized in the menu? This is very easy
> > to do and much friendlier UI - gtk and qt, take a hike ;P.
> Oh, I absolutely agree that letters are better; I was just trying to work
> within the framework that had been created.
> As for coloured letters... if somebody's still using numbers in their menu,
> then I doubt that they're ready for curses ;)

No need for 'em :-) Here's a lil function I cooked up:

(colorize("red", "Test") prints Test in red, colorize(("red", "yellow"),"Test")
uses yellow background).

enable_color = 1
if sys.environ["TERM"] == "xterm":
 xterm = 1
def colorize(color, text):
    """Return colorized text"""
    col_dict = {
        "black"     :   "30m",
        "red"       :   "31m",
        "green"     :   "32m",
        "brown"     :   "33m",
        "blue"      :   "34m",
        "purple"    :   "35m",
        "cyan"      :   "36m",
        "lgray"     :   "37m",

        "gray"      :   "1;30m",
        "lred"      :   "1;31m",
        "lgreen"    :   "1;32m",
        "yellow"    :   "1;33m",
        "lblue"     :   "1;34m",
        "pink"      :   "1;35m",
        "lcyan"     :   "1;36m",
        "white"     :   "1;37m",
    bg = "0m"
    if type(color) == type(""):
        # In xterm, brown comes out as yellow..
        if xterm and color == "yellow": color = "brown"
        fg = col_dict[color]
    elif type(color) == type(()):
        f, b = color[0], color[1]
        if f == "yellow" and xterm: f = "brown"
        if b == "yellow": b = "brown"
        fg = col_dict[f]
        try: bg = col_dict[b].replace('3', '4', 1)
        except KeyError: pass
    if enable_color:
        return "\033[%s\033[%s%s\033[0m" % (bg, fg, text)
        return text

> -- 
> Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams  <ignacio@openservices.net>
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