[OT] BASIC Factoid (was Re: [Tutor] Functions !)
Simon Brunning
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 10:12:53 +0100
> From: Bruce Sass [SMTP:bsass@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca]
> 2K on the ZX81, unless you bought one of the RAM expanders (16, 32 and
> 64k sizes). PEEKs and POKEs were good for fiddling with the system;
> the best way to do ML on the ZX81 was to construct a REM as long as
> the ML, place the REM as the first statement in a basic program, then
> SYS to it.
It was *definitely* only 1K on mine. I ended up getting a 16K Ram pack, but
if I typed too hard, it would wobble, and the ZX81 would crash.
Sigh. Those were the days!
Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.
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