[Tutor] Guess what I found!

Kirk Bailey deliberatus@my995internet.com
Sat, 08 Dec 2001 16:16:35 -0500

Lookee! A python mail list manager! Free for use! 


---------------------------start quote-----------------------------

# MailList is copyright (c) 2000 of Programmed Integration
# You may use this code in any way you see fit, but please
# let use know where it is being used. If you make any changes to
# the source code, please send us a copy so we can incorporate
# the changes in future releases. If you have any other comments
# please feel free to contact us at support@programmedintegration.com

# MailList version 1.0.0 22 August 2000

import sys
sys.path.append('/lib/python1.5')          # My ISP requires this to
correctly locate Python Modules

import cgi, re, string                     # Import all the required

   useHead=open("head.txt", "r")           # Open the HTML header file
   useFoot=open("foot.txt", "r")           # Open the HTML footer file

   ContentLine="Content-type: text/html"   # Standard content type for
HTML files

   useform=cgi.FieldStorage()              # Assign all variables on web
form to UseForm variable
   email= useform["email"].value           # Assign from form to local
variables. Proposed email address
   email2= useform["email2"].value         # ditto, verified email
   password= useform["password"].value     # ditto, proposed password
   password2= useform["password2"].value   # ditto, verified password
   action=useform["action"].value          # ditto, action, i.e
subscribe or unsubscribe      

      optout=useform["optout"].value       # ditto, optout clause, yes
or no
   except:                                 # I've enclosed this in a
      optout='no'                          # as if the checkbox is
unchecked, nothing
                                           # was returned.  This way
'no' is returned

   print ContentLine                       # Print standard content line
   print                                   # Needs a blank line
   print useHead.read()                    # Print HTML header
   if email!=email2:                       # Checks to see if two
entered email addresses match
      print "Email addresses do not match" # If no match print error 
      sys.exit(0)                          # Exit script with error 0
   elif password!=password2:               # Checks to see if two
entered passwords match
      print "Passwords do not match"       # If no match print error
      sys.exit(0)                          # Exit script with error 0
   useMailList=open("maillist.txt", "r")   # Open mailling list
   memMailList=useMailList.readlines()     # Assign mailing list to
internal list
   useMailList.close                       # Close mailing list
   found=0                                 # Create found variable
   counter=0                               # Create counter variable
   for UseLine in memMailList:             # For loop until list end is
      if string.find(string.upper(UseLine), string.upper(email))!=-1: #
Checks to see if email is in mailing list
         found=1                           # If yes, found = true (1)
         UseSplit=re.split(',',UseLine)    # Create list of found line
and delimit with a comma
         break                             # Exit for loop
      counter=counter+1                    # If not found incrememnt
count and repeat
   if not found:                           # If email address not found
in mailing list
      if action=="unsubscribe":            # And if action is
         print "Email address <B>"+email+"</B> does not exist on our
database" # Print error message
      else:                                # Otherwise
         lineuse=email+","+password+','+optout+"\n" # Form valid mailing
list entry
         memMailList.append(lineuse)       # Add to internal list
         print "Subscription for <B>"+email+"</B> successful<P>" #Print
success to HTML
         print "Many thanks for subscribing.  Please be sure to make a
         print "of the email address you subscribed with.  You will
         print "be able to unsubscribe if you use that email address."
   else:                                   # Otherwise if email address
not found in mailing list
      if action=="unsubscribe":            # And if actions is
         if password==UseSplit[1]:         # If password is valid
            memMailList[counter]=''        # Empty internal mailing list
            print "Unsubscription for <B>"+email+"</B> successful" #
Print unsubscribe success to HTML
         else:                             # Otherwise if password not
            print "Unsubscription for <B>"+email+"</B> unsuccessful. 
Password is invalid" # Print unsubscribe unsuccessful to HTML
            print "Remember that passwords are case sensitive.  i.e.
password is not the same as PassWord"
      else:                                # Otherwise if subscribe
         print "Subscription for <B>"+email+"</B> already exists" #
Print subscription already exists to HTML
finally:                                   # Finally
   useMailList=open("maillist.txt", "w")   # Open Mailing List for
   useMailList.writelines(memMailList)     # Copy internal mailing list
to file
   useMailList.close                       # Close mailing list
   print useFoot.read()                    # Print HTML footer
   useHead.close;                          # Close HTML header
   useFoot.close;                          # Close HTML footer
------------- ----------------end

This also referrs to a few other files.
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

	<title>Programmed Integration - Mailing List</title>

<body BGCOLOR="BLACK" text="#FFFFFF" link="#66CCFF" vlink="#66CC99"
<font face="arial">
<TABLE width=100%>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#fe4221" WIDTH=100%><CENTER><b>Mailing

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

	<title>Programmed Integration - Delphi</title>
<META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="description" content="Bespoke software solutions and
Internet websites. Freeware and commercial software. Free PIPL MP3
player. Delphi and Python computer languages">
<META NAME="keywords" content="delphi, consultancy, programming,
bespoke, web, design, MP3, components">
<META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="30 days">

<body BGCOLOR="BLACK" text="#FFFFFF" link="#66CCFF" vlink="#66CC99"
<font face="arial">
<TABLE width=100%>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#fe4221" WIDTH=100%><CENTER><b>Mailing
Over the period of the year we aim to send out bulletins of what we are
up to and any other news that you might find of interest.  If you would
like to subscribe to this list, please fill in your details below.  We
apologise for the double verification of email and password, but we find
it prevents a lot of rogue subscriptions.  We look forward to having you
on our list.<P>

<form action="cgibin/maillist.py" method="POST">
Your email address (eg. yourname@mydomain.com):<BR>
<input name="email" type="text" value="" SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=80><BR>
Please re-enter your email address:<BR>
<input name="email2" type="text" value="" SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=80><P>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><small>Please enter a password: </small></TD>
<TD><input name="password" type="text" value="" SIZE=10
<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><small>Please re-enter your password: </small></TD> 
<TD><input name="password2" type="text" value="" SIZE=10
Subscribe <input name="action" type="radio" value="subscribe" checked>

UnSubscribe <input name="action" type="radio" value="unsubscribe">
Programmed Integration and organisations with whom we have a close
working relationship, may from time to time write to you about specific
services, products and offers which could be of interest. Please
unselect the checkbox if you would prefer not to receive such mailings.
<input type="checkbox" name="optout" value="yes" checked></P>  

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Process">



             -Kirk D Bailey (C)2001
              Addme! icq #27840081

Within the sweep of his sword, Each man is an Ubar.
