R: [Tutor] further bibbling regarding list management

Kirk Bailey deliberatus@my995internet.com
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 14:53:24 -0500

ok, I changed the line
> for each in listnamemembers :		# for each address in the list
for to_addr in listnamemembers :	# for each address in the list

so it is reading the value for each member into the to_addr variable so
it will have it right for sending.
 Now, to get my skull screwed into rfc822 -actually, get rfc822 screwed
into my skull. This may prove scary, better get ready...

Carbide Bit- check
Impact drill-  check.

Gentleman jack - GLUG...

             -Kirk D Bailey (C)2001
              Addme! icq #27840081

Within the sweep of his sword, Each man is an Ubar.
