[Tutor] python interpreter
uygar teomete
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 13:29:25 -0800 (PST)
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I just downloaded Python 2.0 from www.python.org made a self-test, "import test. self_test" or somethin like that. My test_socket seems to be not working, and 24 other test_something could not be found. I am a newbie. should I uninstall and download again? Thanks for your patience..
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I just downloaded Python 2.0 from <A href="http://www.python.org">www.python.org</A> made a self-test, "import test. self_test" or somethin like that. My test_socket seems to be not working, and 24 other test_something could not be found. I am a newbie. should I uninstall and download again? Thanks for your patience..<p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
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