[Tutor] initialization of classes.

Furmanek, Greg Greg.Furmanek@hit.cendant.com
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 11:57:09 -0500

Here is a Problem:

I am trying to pass a class to another class and 
initialize the passed class if it is not passed
when the main class is initialized.  

This is the piece of code and error I get.

Thanks for help.

#============  Code Start ==============================

class connection:

	def __init__ \
		(self, \
		l_acc_stat = "", \
		l_user_info = c_user_info(), \
		l_tun_type = "", \
		l_acc_info = c_acct_info(), \
		l_net_info = c_network_info()):

		self.account_status = l_acc_stat
		self.user = l_user_info
		self.Class = ""				# not used
		self.Tunnel_Type = l_tun_type
		self.acct_info = l_acc_info
		self.network_info = l_net_info

	def load_account_status(self, acc_stat):
		self.account_status = acc_stat

	def load_user_info(self, l_user_info):
		self.user = l_user_info

class c_user_info:

	def __init__(self):
		self.User_Name = ""
		self.User_Full_Name = ""
		self.User_Group = user_group 

#============  Code End   ==============================

#============  Error Start =============================
=> dsv.py 20010120.dat
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dsv.py", line 46, in ?
    class connection:
  File "dsv.py", line 49, in connection
    def __init__ \
NameError: There is no variable named 'c_user_info'

#============ Error End   ==============================

Grzegorz Furmanek
Three Mile Island '79   Chernobyl '86   Windows '00 (1900) 

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