[Tutor] using a function and simultaneously accessing an array item(?)

cruciatuz cruciatuz <sasoft@gmx.de>
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 19:59:54 +0100

Hello tutor,

  I found in the python documentation an example
  for fetching email. there is a snipped of code
  which i don't understand:

  numMessages = len(mymail.list()[1])

  am I accessing the list which is (probably, i
  don't really know) returned from that function
  in the same line where I execute the function
  (or let's say the method)?

  I just want to be sure about it :)

  thx in advance.

+ ---------------------------------- +
| Best regards:   Cruciatuz_AH       |
+ ---------------------------------- +
| AKA:            Stefan Antoni      |
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| ICQ:            72292815           |
| PGP-Key:        AVAILABLE          |
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19:55 / Montag, 22. Januar 2001