[Tutor] Email python
Matthias Hager
Sat, 27 Jan 2001 20:44:24 -0800
I don't have access to internet pn my puter that has my python. And I don't know much about accessing email with Python, but I'm sure it's possible. What I need, is a python script, to go into my hotmail account, in a certain folder, and extract all the email from certain people, and save them to my puter, or an internet location, and delete all of the email from that folder. Could one of you guys help me with this. It would have to be done from your puter, and there's about 1.1 MB of email in there. How long would this take?
And also, I need a script to go into my yahoo account, and delete all 7 MB of email from it. Any help on either one is appreciated.
Thakns a bunch
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