[Tutor] "replace" in String module
Lindsay Davies
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 13:59:48 +0000
string.replace(test,"<line>", "<dorm>")
The parameters are (str, old, new, [maxsplit]).
You will also probably want to investigate the re module some time soon.
Best wishes,
On 1/30/01, Sharriff Aina wrote about '[Tutor] "replace" in String module':
>Hi Guys!
>Why does this fail?
>>>> import string
>>>> test = "<line> the line </line>"
>>>> string.find(test, "<line>")
> >>> string.replace(test, "<dorm>", "<line>")
>'<line> the line </line>'
>I would have thought that the "</line>" would have been left untouched.
>Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org