[Tutor] General Programming Question

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sun, 1 Jul 2001 19:52:53 +0100

>     alan> it addresses the basics of programming - I/O is barely
>     alan> touched on for example.
> But, programming is not about I/O.  Implementation is about I/O.
> Programming is about designing solutions to problems.

Hmm, I think thats where we have a philosophical difference. 
To me programming is about instructing a computer to perform 
tasks. How I perform the task is design and a separate 
discipline. Thus I/O is very much a part of programming, if 
you can't talk to the user or open files you can't create any 
kind of useful program... 

Now the specifics of which commands you use to open a file etc, 
thats implementation dependant but the principles behind it 
- streams, cursors, buffers etc are all fundamental programming 

IMHO of course :-)

Alan G