[Tutor] Who is Fr?d?ric Bastiat?
Rick Pasotto
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 23:02:56 -0400
On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 05:53:05PM -0700, Jesse W wrote:
> Dear Rick Pasotto(and all you tutor-ites),
> After reading some of the long, ambiguous, and quite
> fascinating quotations Rick includes as his signatures, I really need
> to know: Who is Fr?d?ric Bastiat? Rick(or anyone else), please
> raise to the state of enlightenment.
A french free market economist. His essay 'That which is seen and that
which is not seen' was the basis for Henry Hazlitt's book 'Economics
In One Lesson.'
Visit http://www.bastiat.org
Our doctrine is based on private property. Communism is based on
systematic plunder, since it consists in handing over to one man,
without compensation, the labor of another. If it distributed to
each one according to his labor, it would, in fact, recognize
private property and would no longer be communism.
-- Frйdйric Bastiat (1801-1850)
Rick Pasotto rickp@telocity.com http://www.niof.net