[Tutor] Unzip
Christopher Smith
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 23:01:36 -0500
Here's a piece of useless code which extracts lists that have been zipped
together (or mapped together with None:
map(Nane,l1,l2) is the same as zip(l1,l2)
Does anyone use something else to do this?
---code start---
def unzip(l,*jj):
'''Return all (if none are specified) or some
elements in the tuples of l that were zipped together.
# Christopher P. Smith 7/13/2001
if jj==():
rl = [[li[j] for li in l] for j in jj] # a list of lists
if len(rl)==1:
rl=rl[0] #convert list of 1 list to a list
return rl
x,y,z= unzip(l) # get them all: x=[1,2,3], y=[4,5,6], z=[7,8,9]
y=unzip(l,1) # get the 1th one: y as above
x,z=unzip(l,0,2)# get the 0th and 2th ones: x and z as above
---code end---