[Tutor] Re: Tutor digest, Vol 1 #965 - 15 msgs
Christopher Smith
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:03:01 -0500
Christopher P. Smith writes:
> m = nn/n + nn % n # ceil(nn/n)
This should be the two lines
if (nn%n<>0):m=m+1
(You get the same with m=(nn-nn%/n)/n+(nn%n<>0), too, since logic results
are 0 or 1.
Watch out for division by zero, though.)
> for i in range(n):
> for j in range(i,i+m+n,n): # +m b/c you need that many past i
And the range should be range(i,i+m*n,n) #m*n not m+n