[jessw@loop.com: Re: [Tutor] Another problem with urllib]

Remco Gerlich scarblac@pino.selwerd.nl
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 00:04:24 +0200

(forwarding because Jesse mailed to me accidentally - a *very* common
problem for me as well)

Jesse writes:

> On  0, Jesse W <jessw@loop.com> wrote:
> > It's true that 'Connection refused' generaly refers to the site
> > being down, which certianly is not a Python problem- But, I get that
> > message when I try to access _any_ site, even sites that I am
> > looking at in Netscape at the exact same time.  That is why I
> > suspect the problem has something to do with Python. ;-)
> Python just opens a socket to a host and port, which uses the
> underlying socket code of your system, and it reports a 'connection
> refused', for some reason.
> Or you maybe behind some sort of proxy? It could be that Netscape is
> recognized or knows how to deal with the proxy, while Python doesn't?
> What happens when you start telnet, and try to make a connection to
> www.google.com on port 80, which is the same socket operation?
Since tenet is a GUI program on Win 95, I can't give you text 
results, but the connection appears to work. After I connect, when I 
type 'GET /index.html' it prints the google webpage, then disconnects.



Ok, then I have no idea at all what could cause it. Maybe you should try
opening a socket from Python to narrow the problem down, but that's all I
can offer. And it's time for bed now, 12:04 am...

Remco Gerlich