[Tutor] more thanks than usual

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 18:27:19 -0500

I was just offered my first paying Python job while building a MindStorms
bot. This was triply excellent because I haven't been soliciting jobs
coding. And yet I was requested by name because I apparently left a good
impression on a consultant before losing my job.

They just need a GUI by Monday morning, and don't want to pay big license
fees to use the language. Hmmm... Whatever shall I recommend? heh! If the
satellite doesn't go down during Farscape tonight, this will have been a
basically perfect Friday.

This good fortune would simply not have occurred if not for the Tutor list.

You all rock,

"I do remain confident in Linda. She'll make a fine labor secretary. From
what I've read in the press accounts, she's perfectly qualified." -- George
W. Bush
Useless Python: http://www.lowerstandard.com/python/