[Tutor] Re: Lambda

Bill Bell bill-bell@bill-bell.hamilton.on.ca
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 20:30:27 -0400

"Tobin, Mark" <Mark.Tobin@attcanada.com> wrote, in part:
> Is it fair to say that Lambda is just a shorthand for defining a
> function? I really haven't figured it out, and don't know where one
> might use it... anybody willing to write a paragraph on Lambdas or
> point me to an explanation?
> maybe trying to figure out lambdas and recursion in the same week was
> too lofty a goal... ;-)

I came upon a really good article about this topic yesterday. It's "Charming 
Python: Functional programming in Python, Parts 1 and 2" at http://www-
106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-prog.html by Dr David Metz.

Notwithstanding what others have contributed on this list, you might enjoy 
Metz's article which is a fairly easy and informative read.
