[Tutor] Name of a module within itself
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 16:02:08 +0530 (IST)
Hi there,
One quick question, suppose I create a file (say 'foo.py'), that has classes
MyFoo, HisFoo, HerFoo, and a function main(). Now, from main I need to
refer to the name of the module (foo), such that, I could do something like:
def main():
getattr([refer to this module], 'HisFoo')
how do I do that ?
from the prompt I can do:
[steve@mercury ~]$ python
Python 2.1 (#3, Jun 25 2001, 13:39:27)
[GCC 2.95.3 19991030 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import foo
>>> getattr(foo, 'HisFoo')
<class foo.HisFoo at 0x810fde4>
>>> getattr(foo, 'HisFoo').x
where the file 'foo.py' contains:
class MyFoo:
class HisFoo:
x = 'foo'
class HerFoo:
x = 'bar'
....ehe....Am I being clear enough ?...if not please tell me and I'll send
some more code along.
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