[Tutor] Blackadder by the Kompany

Patrick Kirk patrick@kirks.net
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 12:08:23 +0100

Hi all,

Some time ago I asked about the ability to create forms quickly and easily
the way you can in products like MS Access.  Apart from Boa, which looks
like it will be good in a year or so if someone takes an interest in it, I
found nothing 'til now.  I just bought the Blackadder IDE which uses the Qt
widget set.  It set me back the princley sum for £30.  So far it looks
great.  The forms are self sizing and the widgets very fetching.

Question:  will using Qt and Python mean that any executable on Windows I
create has a huge amount of library compared by something done in wxPython.

Patrick Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699

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