[Tutor] Threads.... Unhandle my Exception you Feind!

Daniel Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:09:49 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 kromag@nsacom.net wrote:

> > Let's look at the rest of the program:
> > 
> > > import string
> > > import thread
> > > 
> > > engine=win32com.client.Dispatch("DAO.DBEngine.35")
> > > db=engine.OpenDatabase("windowsdesktopterror.mdb")
> > 
> > Ok, I'm not imagining things after all.  *grin* There are backslashes on
> > this line: can you double check?
> But, but, but..... Really! I am looking at the code I pasted in! It has 
> double backslashes! What manner of madness? Surely your mail agent doesn't 
> parse them into links? Anyway, I tried it with the r"pathtofile" method 
> and got the same error:

Strange!  Now I'm really confused.  I'm using Pine as my email program,
which I don't think does any email preprocessing.  My apologies for my
earlier message; I didn't realize the messages were being mangled.  Sorry
about the confusion there.  What kind of email program are you using?

> >pythonw -u dbwrong.py
> Unhandled exception in thread:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "dbwrong.py", line 15, in write
>     db.Execute("insert into data values(%f, '%s')" % inputtage)
> AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'Execute'
> >Exit code: 0

The assumption I'm working on is that 'db' itself is None.  If you could
add the line:

if db == none:
    print "We didn't get the database connection yet."

right before the Execute, that will help test this guess.  I'm focusing on
the engine.OpenDatabase() call earlier, because that's where 'db' is being

> Ah well. I am going to not think about it for a week. That has
> traditionally been the length of time it takes for the answer to
> coalesce out of the aether! :-)

Don't worry about it.  My head is starting to spin too... *grin* Again,
sorry about the bad advice earlier.  I have to learn to be more careful
when I'm reading messages.

You may want to talk with the people on the db-sig a bit more; it sounds
like they have good experience with the Jet database stuff.  Good luck to