[Tutor] The philosophy of versions

Jesse W jessw@loop.com
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 13:29:30 -0700

Honors to all tutor-ians,

	My major difficulty in Python is not precisely a programming 
problem but a meta-programming problem.  I (incorrectly) think of 
my programs as inexorably moving toward a final state of perfection, 
and I therefore have something of a mental block on the idea of 
releasing versions or writing changelogs and things like that.  I am 
quite aware that this is not a sane view, and I would like to work 
through this block, but I have not yet figured out how to do it.  If any 
of you have any comments, ideas, or responses to this, please post.

					Thank you for your time,
						Jesse W