[Tutor] Language truce

D-Man dsh8290@rit.edu
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 16:08:46 -0400

On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 12:40:31PM -0700, Michael Powe wrote:
| >>>>> "Danny" == Danny Yoo <dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu> writes:
|     Danny> On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Michael Powe wrote:
|     >> A couple things I mentioned, like you can't increment through
|     >> loops.
|     Danny> I'm a little confused by what you mean by "incrementing
|     Danny> through loops".  Can you give an example of what you mean?
| The standard C (for i=0; i < n; i++), which uses the increment
| operator (i++) which is not present in python.  I'm sure there must be
| some discussion somewhere about why the decision was made to leave
| this out, I just have not come across it.

Prior to Python 2.0 there was no augmented assignment either.  There
was quite a bit of discussion on c.l.py about how to add them and
whether or not the increment/decrement operator made sense.

First I'll explain how augmented assignment works.  You can define a
class such as

class Foo1 :
    def __iadd__( self , other ) :
        self.append( other )  # assume append is defined
        return self

this does an in-place addition, like what would happen to a list.  The
odd-looking 'return self' is because the interpreter assigns to the
LHS whatever was returned by the __iadd__ method.  So

o = Foo1()
o += 1
print o

would show that 'o' had changed.  The following shows that 'o' is
really the same object :

o = Foo1()
print id( o )
o += 1
print id( o )

This works for any type, mutable or immutable.  For a tuple the
implementation would be more like :

class Foo2 :
    def __iadd__( self , other ) :
        return self + other  # __add__ returns a new instance, BTW

so the result is 2 different objects :

o2 = Foo2()
print id( o2 )
print o2
o2 += 1
print id( o2 )
print o2

The issue with '++' and '--' is that what does it mean to "add 1" to a
list, string, tuple, or class instance?  Also, not every object can be
modified in-place.  The conclusion was that '++' is only syntax sugar
for the special case '+= 1', and that the implementation of augmented
assignment (briefly explained above) works nicely for both mutable and
immutable types, and all types of objects.

| Yes, as someone else points out, you can use range(), but obviously
| that is not the same thing. (In some cases, it may be functionally
| equivalent and maybe that is the point.)  Also, maybe it's just me,
| but I consider
| k = k+1
| as a loop counter to just be unacceptably clumsy.  Forcing me to use
| that construct tells me that I should not be designing my program that
| way. 

It is just a different spelling of the same operation and this
argument apparently has more aesthetic content than technical content.
