[Tutor] CGI with python question

Pedro Diaz Jimenez pdiaz88@terra.es
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 18:12:15 +0100

Hi folks,

I'm doing some CGI python scripts. One of them needs to access a MySQL 
database on the localhost. i have experience dealing with MySQLdb so this
is not a problem. Actually the problem is that I need to fetch the 
username-password-host-db tuple from a file in /etc. Of course, this
file must be root-only readable, so nobody except the root can read
this sensitive information. On the other hand, I don't want to have
cgi's in my system with root priviledges (I dont know if this is even posible 
with apache). 

Considering this, I planned my cgi to do the following:
  - The script is initially suid root
  - Once is called, reads the /etc files 
  - Inmediatly after this, changes is euid to Nobody via os.setuid 
  - Do the rest of the job, including interacting with the MySQL server

Does this schema looks ok in security terms?. If not, what other schema 
should I follow?

I've also been playing with suid python scripts, but I wasn't able to make 
the perform root privileged actions. Example:

import os
print os.geteuid()
print os.geteuid()
f = open("/etc/shadow" )
print "ALL OK"                                                            

# chmod +x test.py   
# ls -la test.py 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          120 Mar  1 18:07 test.py  
# ./test.py
ALL OK                   
# chmod u+s test.py
# ls -la test.py     
-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root          120 Mar  1 18:07 test.py 
# su pdiaz
$ ./test.py  
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "./test.py", line 5, in ?
OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted                

What I'm doing wrong?

