[Tutor] TK icons, and a dumb question. :-)

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 17:11:30 -0000

> It has a section on the Tk window manager class
> (Tkinter.Wm).  I think this is what you need to learn.
>  It's at
> http://www.python.org/doc/life-preserver/WindowMgr.html.

Unfortunately the icon changing window manager functions 
only seem to work under *nix/X windows not the MS variety 

> Oh, and a dumb question - if you get the list in
> digest format, is there any way to resond to a
> particular thread/e-mail?

Well I'm using the digest and I just hit reply to the open 
message. Have you turned on MIME format rather than inline 

Alan g.