[Tutor] networking basics

Deirdre Saoirse deirdre@deirdre.net
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 23:48:05 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Steve A. wrote:

> Hello.  I'm writing an applicaton that will be similar to ICQ in that
> it will support P2P instant messages and fullduplex split-screen
> chats.


> Problem: a month ago, I managed to get two machines talking to one
> another simultaneously (fullduplex chat), but now I can't seem to
> figure out how I did it.  argh!  I 'get' the basics of sockets and am
> familiar with the tutorials in most of the python books, but I can't
> find out how to do this simple thing.  Help!  :-)

Well, a server waits for a connection on a port and a client connects to
that port. That's the basics.

> Also, any suggestions about what to use and what to avoid as far as
> setting up a network server with Python would be *GREATLY*
> appreciated.

I've only done little networking projects, but I think my very stupid
server and client are on the Useless Python pages. :)

_Deirdre   NEW Stash-o-Matic: http://fuzzyorange.com  http://deirdre.net
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
                                                         - Douglas Adams