[Tutor] Re: Tutor digest, Vol 1 #763 - 13 msgs
Lance E Sloan
Thu, 03 May 2001 08:41:42 -0400
"Julieta Rangel" <julieta_rangel@hotmail.com> wrote:
> problem is representing rational numbers, ie,(7/2). Because my result of
> this division is not an integer, I don't want Python to divide. I want
> (3/3) to be divided, (4/1) to be divided, but I want (7/2) to be left alone.
> How can I do this? Can anyone help?
Instead of letting Python divide those numbers, you could store them in
a tuple, (numerator, denominator). Of course, reduce the fraction
first before storing it in the tuple. I suppose that instead of
storing fractions with one as the denominator, (n, 1), in a tuple, you
could just store them as the number itself. That's optional.
Either way, if you have a function that prints the polynomial, you
could make it work with the original or integrated versions, just by
checking the type of coefficient. Here's what I would do:
if (type(coeff[i]) == types.TupleType):
(num, den) = coeff[i]
if (den == 1):
print num
print '%d/%d' % (num, den)
print coeff[i]
Of course, making or finding a rational number class, as Ms. King
suggested, would probably be best.
Lance E Sloan
Web Services, Univ. of Michigan: Full-service Web and database design,
development, and hosting. Specializing in Perl & Python CGIs.
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