[Tutor] Re: One other thing·... (and more)

Stephen L Arnold sarnold@earthling.net
Sat, 12 May 2001 17:30:37 -0700

On 12 May 01, at 12:09, Bruce Sass wrote:

> On Fri, 11 May 2001, VanL wrote:
> > That last operation would test that the two types were compatible, and,
> > where applicable, perform the tree merge.  All this stuff would be hard
> > to do, if not impossible, if I can't figure out what I've got when I am
> > passed in an object.
> Hmmm, could it be that you, "can't see the forest for the trees"
> (sorry).

I'm just starting with Python, so I'd also like to know how this 
works too.  Sorry it's kinda long, but I inserted some example code 
from a binary search tree.  I'd like to know (in general) how this 
kind of thing works in Python.  The syntax of the code below is 
very readable (though a bit more verbose than Python).  Comments 
are preceded by two dashes.

Whether you want to think in terms of objects and methods or 
generic packages and generic formal parameters (it least that's the 
way I understand it) there must be some way to define the set of 
valid operations, arguments, etc.  In Ada, this is defined in the 
package specification.  You don't need (or want) to know how the 
code in the package body is implemented, unless of course, you're 
the one doing the implementing (it just needs to conform to the 

Using the binary search tree example, in the package spec I would 
define the data types, overloaded operators, and the first 
procedure like this:

-- This is the package spec --
   type Element_Type is private;
   type Key_Type     is private;
   with function Key(Item : in Element_Type) return Key_Type;
   with function "="(Left, Right : in Key_Type) return Boolean is <>;
   with function "<"(Left, Right : in Key_Type) return Boolean is <>;

package Binary_Search_Tree is

   type BST is limited private;
   type Traversal is (In_Order, Pre_Order, Post_Order);

   Overflow     :  exception;  -- Raised when tree space runs out.
   Key_Error    :  exception;  -- Raised for bogus key operations.
   State_Error  :  exception;  -- Raised for more than one concurrent
                               -- traversal, or state change during
                               -- a traversal.

   procedure Insert(Item : in Element_Type; Tree : in out BST);

   -- Adds Item to Tree.

   -- Exceptions:
   --   Overflow      Item could not be added to Tree.
   --   Key_Error     Key(Item) already exists.
   --   State_Error   Tree is in a traversal.

The above tells you all you need to know about data types, valid 
operators, and procedures/functions and their arguments (of course, 
there are more than just Insert).  It even tells you which kinds of 
exceptions to expect from each function or procedure.  If I were 
writing this package (or just curious) I might find something like 
this implementation in the package body:

-- This is the package body --
with Ada.Exceptions ;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation ;

package body Binary_Search_Tree is

   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Tree_Node, Tree_Node_Ptr);

   procedure Insert(Item : in Element_Type; Tree : in out BST) is

   -- Adds Item to Tree.

   -- Exceptions:
   --   Overflow      Item could not be added to Tree.
   --   Key_Error     Key(Item) already exists.
   --   State_Error   Tree is in a traversal.

      New_item : Tree_Node_Ptr := null;
      Parent   : Tree_Node_Ptr := null;
      Target   : Tree_Node_Ptr := Tree.Root;

   begin -- Insert

      if Tree.Traversing then
         Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception (State_Error'identity,
                         "Error using Insert.  Tree is already in a traversal.");
      end if;

      -- Find the insert spot.
      while Target /= null loop
         Parent := Target;
         if Key(Item) = Key(Target.Data) then
            Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception (Key_Error'identity,
                            "Error using Insert.  Key already exists.");
         elsif Key(Item) < Key(Target.Data) then
            Target := Target.Child(Left);
            Target := Target.Child(Right);
         end if;
      end loop;

         New_Item := new Tree_Node'(Item, (others => null));
         when Storage_Error =>
            Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception (Overflow'identity,
                         "Error using Insert.  Not enough free memory.");

      -- Insert new item
      if Parent = null then
         Tree.Root := New_Item;
      elsif Key(Item) < Key(Parent.Data) then
         Parent.Child(Left) := New_Item;
         Parent.Child(Right) := New_Item;
      end if;
      Tree.Count := Natural'Succ(Tree.Count);
   end Insert;


But I still can't do anything with it unless I 'with' this package 
in some other code (such as a test driver).  Part of such a driver 
might look like this:

-- First I have to 'with' my bst package (and a few others)
   with Ada.Text_IO;                        use Ada.Text_IO;
   with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;                use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
   with Ada.Exceptions;                     use Ada.Exceptions;
   with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
   with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

   with Binary_Search_Tree;

-- Then I can instantiate a tree like this:
   procedure BST_Test is

      package BT is new Binary_Search_Tree(Integer, Integer, Identity, "=","<");    use BT;
      package Boolean_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO (enum => Boolean);

-- and create some trees and integers to fill them:
      A, B, C, D : aliased BST;
      m : Integer := 0;
      ns : array(1..8) of Integer := (11, 8, 10, 17, 3, 1, 4, 13);
      na : array(1..8) of Integer := (12, 9, 11, 16, 5, 18, 7, 14);

I hope that's enough to give a fairly clear picture of what's going 
on (and isn't too confusing).  The rest of the code is available on 
my webserver (it's just the homework problems from the data 
structures class I took last year):


How does this kind of thing work in Python?  I guess you would 
define a binary_search_tree class, with methods like insert, 
delete, etc, exceptions, what parameters can be passed to the 
methods, any overloaded operators, etc.  You would also have to 
specify (perhaps when you instantiate a tree object) what types are 
contained in the tree.  As a user of the tree class library, how do 
I find out what methods/parameters are valid, what the exception 
names are, etc?

Any one care to give it a go?  (sorry about the Ada code, but I 
can't do it in Python yet...)


Steve Arnold                           http://arnolds.dhs.org

Things go better with Linux and King Crimson.