[Tutor] Joy of PythonWin

D-Man dsh8290@rit.edu
Tue, 22 May 2001 13:37:55 -0400

On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 05:33:37PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
| Should I get used to this or am I better off ssh-ing into a Linux box?  The
| Debian box I ssh into seems to offer all the comfort of a bash shell but
| obviously no GUI nor Win32 stuff.  Can any of this command line comfort be
| brought into Pythonwin?

I don't use an IDE (I prefer gvim and some xterms).  On Unix and on
Windows with Cgywin (version 2.1) the interactive python interpreter
has support for the GNU readline library.  This is the same library
that bash uses for it's input.  To get that sort of functionality you
need a python interpreter with readline support.  Then see the man
page for inputrc -- ~/.inputrc is the config file for readline.  A
little while back someome posted a description of how to get
commandline history, tab completion, and vi-style line editing
commands.  It is all done through readline and the .inputrc file.  I
don't know if PythonWin will work with the cygwin-enabled interpreter
or if it needs it's own modified interpreter.

In case you aren't familiar with cygwin it is a POSIX emulation layer
on top of the win32 API.  See sources.redhat.com for more information.
IMO windows isn't usable without a proper cygwin installation.

Of course, if you have access to a Linux system, you could enable X
forwarding over ssh and get an X server for Windows.  Then you could
remotely use any *nix gui tool.
