[Tutor] Joy of PythonWin

ibraheem umaru-mohammed ium@micromuse.com
Tue, 22 May 2001 19:58:53 +0100

[D-Man wrote...]
-| I don't use an IDE (I prefer gvim and some xterms).  On Unix and on
-| Windows with Cgywin (version 2.1) the interactive python interpreter
-| has support for the GNU readline library.  This is the same library
-| that bash uses for it's input.  To get that sort of functionality you
-| need a python interpreter with readline support.  Then see the man
-| page for inputrc -- ~/.inputrc is the config file for readline.  A
-| little while back someome posted a description of how to get
-| commandline history, tab completion, and vi-style line editing
-| commands.  It is all done through readline and the .inputrc file.  I
-| don't know if PythonWin will work with the cygwin-enabled interpreter
-| or if it needs it's own modified interpreter.

	>>> import rlcompleter
	>>> import readline
	>>> readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

Kindest regards,


Reality always seems harsher in the early morning.