[Tutor] Hi I need advice
Andrew Wilkins
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 22:30:09 +0800
Hi Edy
> My question is why do i can't to use add = DataBase() ?
You can't as you have your code at the moment, but it is possible to get
around that. I'll get to that in a moment.
> class DataBase:
> def __init__(self, Plan, Domain, Email, Name):
Because you've specified that the class be instantiated with 4 arguments,
these 4 arguments *must* be passed. That is why DataBase('','','','') works
and not DataBase().
To get around this you can specify default values for the arguments:
class DataBase:
def __init__(self,Plan='',Domain='',Email='',Name=''):
nb. these values can be whatever you like.
>>> class DataBase:
def __init__(self,Plan='',Domain='',Email='',Name=''):
>>> add=DataBase()
>>> add.Plan
Andrew Wilkins
> Hi everyone.
> I need some help/advice over the following code. My 1st attempt using
> class.
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import sys
> self.UserPlan = Plan
> self.UserDomain = Domain
> self.UserEmail = Email
> self.UserName = Name
> print '1. Adding New User'
> print '2. Search New User'
> print '3. View All User'
> print '4. Exit'
> choice = input("Please choose an option: ")
> if choice == 1:
> print 'Adding New User\n'
> add = DataBase(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ')
> add.UserPlan = raw_input("Plan: ")
> add.UserDomain = raw_input("Domain: ")
> add.UserEmail = raw_input("Email: ")
> add.UserName = raw_input("Name: ")
> print "Domain %s has registered" % add.UserDomain
> save = raw_input("Do you wanna save? Press Y or N\nChoice: ")
> if save == "Y":
> print "Record Saved\n"
> f=open('record', 'w')
> f.write("Plan: %s\nDomain: %s\nEmail: %s\nName: %s\n-----\n" %
> (add.UserPlan,add.UserDomain
> ,add.UserEmail,add.UserName))
> elif save == "N":
> print "No Data Saved\n"
> else:
> print "Wrong input ... Bye Bye\n"
> sys.exit()
> elif choice == 2:
> print 'Search New User\n'
> elif choice == 3:
> print 'View All User\n'
> elif choice == 4:
> print 'Exit program ...'
> sys.exit()
> else:
> print 'Wrong input'
> sys.exit()
> Thanks
> Edy Lie.
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