RV: [Tutor] transform html to pdf

Pablo Prieto pablo.prieto@dulcesol.es
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:59:47 -0000

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Pablo Prieto <pablo.prieto@dulcesol.es>
Para: Pijus Virketis <virketis@fas.harvard.edu>
Fecha: miércoles 28 de noviembre de 2001 9:58
Asunto: RE: [Tutor] transform html to pdf

>>>My html string is created via cgi. So i wish to create
>>>a pdf file that can be downloaded while displaying the
>>>the html page via browser. Calling Latex is a good
>>>approach for me too. Any idea? Thanks.
>I use htmldoc (www.easysw.com)
>I think it is in Linux too.
>Can be used in interactive mode or batch mode. In VB I call it in this way:
>directorio = directory (I use the same location for both .html and
>fichero = file (I use the same name)
>#Landscape PS
>            Shell("c:\archivos de programa\htmldoc\htmldoc.exe --webpage "
>                "--no-title --footer . " & "--top 5mm --bottom 5mm --left
>5mm " & _
>                "--landscape -t ps2 -f " & directorio & fichero & ".ps " &
>directorio & _
>                fichero & ".html")
>#Portrait PDF
>            Shell("c:\archivos de programa\htmldoc\htmldoc.exe --webpage "
>                "--no-title --footer . " & "--top 5mm --bottom 5mm --left
>5mm -f " & _
>                directorio & fichero & ".pdf " & directorio & fichero &
>#Portrait PS
>            Shell("c:\archivos de programa\htmldoc\htmldoc.exe --webpage "
>                "--no-title --footer . " & "--top 5mm --bottom 5mm --left
>5mm -t " & _
>                "ps2 -f " & directorio & fichero & ".ps " & directorio &
>fichero & ".html")
>#Landscape PDF
>            Shell("c:\archivos de programa\htmldoc\htmldoc.exe --webpage "
>                "--no-title --footer . " & "--top 5mm --bottom 5mm --left
>5mm " & _
>                "--landscape -f " & directorio & fichero & ".pdf " &
>directorio & _
>                fichero & ".html")