[Tutor] help

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Tue, 02 Oct 2001 12:25:00 -0700

>We can write this another way:
>filename = raw_input("What file? ('quit' to quit)")
>while filename != 'quit':
>     inp = open(filename)
>     for line in inp.readlines():
>         print line
>     filename = raw_input("What file? ('quit' to quit)")

I agree with Danny's approach of not following you into
Tk right away.

The shell is already an interactive space, and if
your goal is simply to dump lines of text to screen,
there's no need to use anything beyond stdout.

In general, I would discourage new-to-Python users
from diving straight into Tk.  We all like GUI widgets,
but the overhead added by the cosmetic "icing on the
cake" obscures the guts/internals you need to master
first (i.e. baking the cake itself).
