SV: [Tutor] Stuck with classes - events

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Fri, 05 Oct 2001 07:45:49 -0700 (PDT)

> But then one of my needs is to be able detect for example Ctrl+Left and when
> that combination is pressed go to the other matrix. In "normal" programming I
> would probably have done this with some flags.
> I guess that I should trap the combination in MatrixPanel while let the
> processing of the data entered should be traped by ObjGrid and StatGrid
> respecively. Have now idea how to do this but I will probably solve that
> also.

Consider this.  When item A gets a Ctrl+Left click it tells its parent to make
it the current object.  The parent then makes item A the current object (gives
focus, etc).  Essentially the object tells its controller "my turn please".

parent.givefocus(child) called from within child.handleKeyPress().