[Tutor] help (for Useless Python)

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 17:02:39 -0500

I'm working on the latest update to Useless Python, but I have to admit 
I've really dropped the ball. Scripts people sent me several weeks ago 
have yet to be posted, which is what I'm currently trying to resolve. 
This is due in part, but only in part, to freakish technical difficulties.

When a fair bit of calamity overwhelmed me a few months ago, I lost 
weeks of programming work I'd done. I was also stiffed by customers and 
ran into a host of other hassles. A lot of other nonsense bit me 
simultaneously, and my business folded. And now I feel that if I don't 
relieve myself temporarily of some of my responsibilities (for a few 
good months at least) to free up time for rest and meditation, I will 
continue to leave Useless Python stagnating.

If Useless was my project alone, I'd consider just letting it ride for a 
while. But I've always considered it a gift from Python Tutor to the 
newbies of the world, and I've been allowed the privilege of hosting and 
maintaining the site. My offer of unlimited hosting is still firmly in 
place. But I believe both the site and I will know better health if I 
focus more on dharma and less on code for a few months while the site is 
lovingly maintained by someone more focused on the task.

In the meantime, feel free to continue to send scripts my way. But I 
confess that it may take longer than I feel is appropriate for me to get 
them up to the site.

Rob Andrews