[Tutor] How to use Chinese in pygtk.

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Thu, 06 Sep 2001 07:39:05 -0700

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001 22:27:54 +0800 (CST), xiaowp <xiaowp@chinaren.com>
wrote about [Tutor] How to use Chinese in pygtk.:

:Hello all, 
:	I'm writing a test tool in python and I select pygtk to buil the UI.
:Now, I have a question about internationalization: how can I display 
:Chinese on pygtk's label?
:	Thanks ahead!

I recently was trying to do the same thing with some French letters.
Are you planning to use Unicode?
I found, here:
That the latin-1 shows, for example, Ç with a code of 00C7

In Python, I can do this:
>>> print '\xC7'

To get the character displayed.

So, find the Unicode codings for the characters you want, and print them
like above??

I haven't worked with the Chinese charset, only a few simple French
letters, so I'm not sure this is 100% applicable for your case. But
maybe it will get you started in the right direction?

Sheila King