[Tutor] Unpickleable object error

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Thu, 06 Sep 2001 13:09:00 -0700

On Thu, 06 Sep 2001 12:25:21 -0700, Sheila King <sheila@thinkspot.net>
wrote about [Tutor] Unpickleable object error:

:So, I'm thinking either I can't pickle/shelve this data class, as I have defined
:it, or else I really don't know what the problem is.
:Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed?

You know what...I just went back, removed the comments on the addUser
function, and I caught a small spelling error in the user.__init__
function. Namely:

        self.lasmssg = lastmssg

should have been
        self.lastmssg = lastmssg
                ^ (missing "t")

And I can't see why that would have made any difference (as I never
refer to it anywhere in the code, yet...)

Anyhow, the code just ran without error, and just created the users
database for me. 

I don't know why it worked now and not before. Go figure.

Sheila King