[Tutor] where is CPAN for python?
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 08:01:05 -0400
On Sat, Sep 15, 2001 at 11:03:03PM -0700, Kirby Urner wrote:
| At 09:46 PM 9/15/2001 -0400, dman wrote:
| >Anyays, have you found XFree86 and KDE? There are prebuilt binaries
| >for running with cygwin. kvt is much better than using a DOS box, and a
| >free X server is cool too.
| I went the cygwin route on a Windows box once. But if
| you're going so far as to do X server, KDE and the whole
| ball of wax, I'd say why not just partition and go with
| Linux.
The reason is when it is your employer's machine and he wants Windows
on it. Having X is not so bad since it is Free competition to the
commercial X servers out there (for remote logins to Unix systems).
Fortuantely for me, though, I have permission to install Debian soon
I agree with you that installing Linux is preferrable to cygwin for
many reasons including performance and stability and completeness.
Cygwin is not a complete Unix look-alike yet, but it is quite good
when windows is required as the base system.
| Alternatively, there are way of installing Linux right
| into a Windows partition, on top of FAT32, if you're
| willing to take a performance hit. This too might be
I've vaguely heard of a couple distros that do this.