[Tutor] Tuples in tuples

Danny Kohn danny.kohn@systematik.se
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 17:09:50 +0200

Is it possible to reference tuple in tuple in one expression? Lets say I =
have a tuple t =3D ((6, 7, 8, 9, 0), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)). Can I refer to =
the third element (8) in one expression or do I have to do something =
like x,y=3Dt and then x[2]?

H=E4lsningar / Regards                                 (\_/)  ))
Danny Kohn                 Tel: +46 (0)708 140 300  =3D('.')=3D//  Miau!
Systematik Consulting AB   ICQ: 1328817             ( ~~~ )/   Rrrrrui!
http://www.systematik.se   HAM: SM0NBJ              `w---w=B4=20