[Tutor] modules == class instances?
Danny Yoo
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 12:26:14 -0800 (PST)
On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Kirby Urner wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 April 2002 10:12 pm, Danny wrote:
> > Yes, modules are also "objects" in Python. They don't support too many
> > things besides allowing us to get and set attributes within them, but they
> > are objects that can be tossed around quite easily and uniformly.
> >
> I heard a rumor that a future Python would allow us to subclass entire
> modules, as we do classes. Was I dreaming. I don't find it in the list
> of active/open PEPs.
Hmmm... I have no idea on this one! I can't get my head around
subclassing modules though: it's just too radical for me. *grin* I'm
getting old.