[Tutor] impact of OO
Erik Price
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 19:13:56 -0500
I have a general question about Object Oriented programming in general:
why is it so lauded by... well, by everyone?
Granted, this is coming from Erik Newbie, and I only just figured out
the basics of OO programming this week. Obviously I haven't seen even
close to the extent of what OO programming can do. But that's why I'm
asking this question.
It seems to make certain things easier -- for instance, in my
application that I'm writing in PHP (whose OO facilities are no match
for Python's, I've discovered :( ), I am now using objects to represent
items which need to be inserted into the database, that I used to refer
to with a group of variable names. It's hard to describe, but this
makes it much easier -- attributes/properties represent field names, and
I can neatly group all of my error-checking functions (for user inputs)
into the class, and the instance attribute doesn't even get assigned
unless the error checking code returns true, for example. As opposed to
running each user input through a function and assigning it to a
dynamically-generated variable name. It's not really much different,
but it is far more organized and cleaner.
But everywhere I used to read about programming would talk about how OO
had revolutionized programming. Now that I know what it is, although I
really appreciate it and will use it whenever I can (it's so... clean
compared to what I was doing before), but I still don't really see how
it's that big a deal -- it's simply a different way of organizing code,
as far as I can tell.
Please prove me wrong and help me see how OO "changed everything".
PS: Also, I have heard someone say that "in Java everything is an
object". What does this mean? I think I am interested in learning
Java, especially since there are many employers in my area (Boston)
advertising an interest in Java programmers (and I will be out of a job
as soon as my project is finished). Sadly, much more than Python or
PHP. But it seems like a big language to learn.