[Tutor] Perl refugee

Rich Pinder rpinder@usc.edu
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 07:59:32 -0700

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Ok... i'm a zope user (not a good one), and long time perl user.
Each time i get a little 'utility' type project, I think "A ha..  I'll
use Python this time" - then the time gets low, i never get around to
it, and say  "heck, i'll just do it in Perl".....

So this morning I said no - wanna get the first one under my belt !

realized the machine i'm using doesnt have Python - so loading it now.

.... here's my goal.....

I need to copy 80,000 files from one directory and put them in one of 20
other directories.  I'm into chaper 12&13 in the pyton book, and am sure
I can get the looping structure over the directory listing....

But to progam the logic to decide where the files go, I need substring
parsing of the file names (think thats easy) PLUS something like a CASE
statement.  I don't see the CASE statement anywhere.

So will i have to use a bunch of cludgy if/then statements, or is there
something more elequent...

  if subval > "0001"  and subval < "0010" :
 elif subval > "0009"  and subval < "0020" :

(python 2.2.1 is installed...whoo hoo!)

rich pinder
usc school of medicine

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Ok... i'm a zope user (not a good one), and long time perl user.
<br>Each time i get a little 'utility' type project, I think "A ha..&nbsp;
I'll use Python this time" - then the time gets low, i never get around
to it, and say&nbsp; "heck, i'll just do it in Perl".....
<p>So this morning I said no - wanna get the first one under my belt !
<p>realized the machine i'm using doesnt have Python - so loading it now.
<p>.... here's my goal.....
<p>I need to copy 80,000 files from one directory and put them in one of
20 other directories.&nbsp; I'm into chaper 12&amp;13 in the pyton book,
and am sure I can get the looping structure over the directory listing....
<p>But to progam the logic to decide where the files go, I need substring
parsing of the file names (think thats easy) PLUS something like a CASE
statement.&nbsp; I don't see the CASE statement anywhere.
<p>So will i have to use a bunch of cludgy if/then statements, or is there
something more elequent...
<p><tt>&nbsp; if subval > "0001"&nbsp; and subval &lt; "0010" :</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;filecopyingsteps></tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;elif subval > "0009"&nbsp; and subval &lt; "0020" :</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;filecopyingsteps></tt>
<br>(python 2.2.1 is installed...whoo hoo!)
<p>rich pinder
<br>usc school of medicine</html>
