[Tutor] Question about Python and Windows' Apps

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 11:53:19 +0100

> I have several form letters in Word and a flat file 
> database in Excel for addresses.  

> I'm not looking for fancy GUI's, just something 
> that works. Is this something Python can do.

Yes, Python can do it.
You will need to use the winall package to access 
the COM object model of both Excel and Word and 
learning how to manipulate that is likely to be 
the hardest part.

The Python aspects are fully explained in Mark 
Hammonds book "Programming Python on Win32" 
(or somesuch title).

Although Mark Hammond will probably not agree I'd 
personally use VBScript or even VBA from within 
Word to do this kind of thing. Right tool for the 
job etc...

Python is a great general purpose language and easy 
to learn but VBA/VBScript was designed to script 
COM objects and Microsoft applications.


Alan g.