[Tutor] Telnetlib

Guillermo Fernandez guillermo.fernandez@epfl.ch
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 09:16:28 +0930

> If you are on *nix you can use the normal shell
> redirection when you invoke the script:
> Bash/Ksh:
> $ python myscript.py 2> errors.txt
> [t]csh is a tad more difficult - ie I can't remember ;-)

Actually, it's impossible :-)
At least with the > method.

In tcsh the only redirection accepted is > to redirect standard output
and >& to redirect standard _and_ error output.

they said:
"Some shells allow you to independently redirect standard output and
standard error to different files. Unfortunately, our standard
interactive shell at ARE, the `tcsh', does not allow this. You can
redirect standard output alone, or both standard output and error to the
same file, but not to different files."

