[Tutor] Question about Python and Windows' Apps

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 11:27:12 +0100

> [alan]
> >>VBScript or even VBA from within Word to do this kind of thing.
> [jeff]
> >Having written (admittedly smallish) scripts to autogenerate Excel
> >spreadsheets from flat-file data in both VB and Python, I *much*
> >prefer working in Python

> the extent of the project is wholly to do with Office objects and 
> tasks, then VB is a reasonable alternative: it's probably just a 

Yes, that's what I meant. Once you get into more mixed 
environments then Python wins every time. But for 
moving things between Office apps using builtin office 
commands then VBA or VBScript wins IMHO.

> Oh, and if you want to do OOP, VB is really not the 
> best language, to put it mildly. 

Up until VB.NET I'd have agreed but VB.NET isn't too bad. 
A bit verbose mayube but it now has all the necessary 
features IMHO.

Alan G.