[Tutor] User input question

David Turner dturner@e-healthconsultants.com
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 15:57:24 +0100

OK guys, bear with me - this is my first EVER foray into Python, but I think
I may have stumbled clumsily into a solution (of sorts)....

Here goes....


def timestab(n):
    m = 1
    if i < 13:
               while m < 14:
                       print "%d x %d = %d" % (m,n,m*n)
                       m = m + 1
               print "Only positive numbers between 1 and 12 please!"

i = input('Try a number ')
print timestab(i)


This seems to work OK (but I guess there will be far cleaner, neater ways to
do it), and it doesn't get rid of the "None" at the bottom of the list...

But anyway, since this was my first ever go with Python, I'm quite pleased
with myself nonetheless!!  *LARGE GRIN*



-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-admin@python.org [mailto:tutor-admin@python.org]On Behalf Of
shey crompton
Sent: 08 August 2002 15:32
To: tutor
Subject: RE: [Tutor] User input question

That's got rid of the error message, thanks.
It now just squares the number that the user inputs, and also returns 'None'
on the line below (confused?).

I am thinking I need a range command to get it to do multiply within a
range. I have just tried adding:
	For n in range(1,13):
Between the 'def' line and the if statement with no result. Oh well, gives
me something else to ponder on during an otherwise boring day at work. :-)

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Kyle Babich [mailto:kb@mm.st]
Sent:	08 August 2002 15:02
To:	shey crompton; tutor
Subject:	Re: [Tutor] User input question

I'm still a newbie to python so I am taking my best guess in saying to
un-indent the print that is causing the error.

On Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:15:32 +0100, "shey crompton" <shey@argonaut.com>
> I have been trying to modify a script that prints out the times tables
> to
> one that asks the user to input which times table they would like
> printed
> out (between 1 and 13).
> I have tried so many different ways of doing this without any success.
> I am
> sure it's a simple answer, but I am starting to get frustrated.
> The script below is my latest attempt, and the error message I get is
> below
> it.
> Hints, and tips greatly appreciated.
> Shey
> def timestab(n):
>     if i < 13:
>         print "%d x %d = %d" % (i,n,i*n)
>     else:
>         print "Only positive numbers between 1 and 12 please!"
> i = input('Try a number ')
>     print timestab(i)
> The error message is: