[Tutor] RE: when to use OOP
Dan Shafer
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 18:10:11 -0700
At 02:56 PM 8/10/2002 -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> > So my advice is not to look for a reason to use OOP but rather to start
> > every project with the assumption that OOP is in order and only deviate
> > from that decision when clear circumstances dictate. I've never seen a
> > project that was harder to extend or maintain because it was built using
> > OOP strategies and techniques.
>I still feel that unmaintainable code can be written using the most
>sophisticated of techniques. *grin*
Oh, that's for sure! You can write unmaintainable code in English. They're
called user manuals! :-)
>But seriously, there are ways of writing really bad OOP programs if we
>apply OOP techniques gratuitously. Bruce Tate has written a book called
>"Bitter Java" that talks about hideously bad OOP designs and how to
>improve them:
> http://www.manning.com/tate/
>His focus is on "Antipatterns" --- OOP designs that can cause long-term
>maintainability problems. It's quite good, and even if its implementation
>language is Java, there's quite a lot that can apply well to Python
Patterns are another level of complexity and are, IMNSHO, more suited to
designing frameworks than applications. I know that flies in the face of
conventional wisdom but I've seldom let that slow me down!
>Best of wishes to you!
Dan Shafer, Chief Scribe and Tablet Keeper
PythonCard Open Source Project