[Tutor] printing puzzlement
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 11:26:18 +0100
> As seen in the C++ code snippet here, calculations are
> performed in the middle of the display of each line of
> output. Does anyone know of a good way to reproduce
> similar behavior in a Python program?
The same way the C++ programmer would have done it if
[s]he'd had any sense - using a string buffer and then
writing the full string out!
In Pythons case use a format string and some variables
to hold the intermediate values...
> // Display the amortization schedule
> for (int index = 0; index < numPayments; index++)
> {
> cout << setw(5) << right << (index + 1);
> cout << setw(12) << right << fixed <<
> setprecision(2) << principle;
> cout << setw(9) << right << fixed << amtPayment;
buff = "%5d%12.2d%9d" % (index+1,principle, amtPayment)
> float interest = (float (int (principle *
> monthRate * 100) ) ) / 100.0;
> cout << setw(11) << right << fixed << interest;
> principle = principle + interest - amtPayment;
> cout << setw(12) << right << fixed << principle;
buff = buff + "%11d%12d" % (interest, principle)
> cout << endl;
print buff
The types and precisions might need frigging but
you hopefully get the idea I'm suggesting.
Alan g.