[Tutor] Need bsddb/recno examples

runsun runsun@bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:37:43 -0500

Hi all,

I've been trying hard to search for the information of using
the recno-type database in the bsddb module without any luck.
Could someone help on this ???

First of all I have never used any sort of database before. I
want to use this as an eazy way to learn and practice ("eazy"
means I don't need to install any package).

I learned how to use the "b+tree" and "hash" types in the
bsddb but couldn't find any instruction or example on the 
"recno" type.


  ~~ Be like water, be shapeless ~~
   Runsun Pan, PhD, 773-834-3965
 Ecology & Evolution, U of Chicago