[Tutor] (no subject)

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 15:23:47 +0100

>  while password != "unicorn":
>      print "You've guessed",a,"times."
>      password = raw_input("Password?:")
>       a=a+1
>   if password=="unicorn":
>       print "Welcome in, you took ", a, "attempts."
>   #I added
>   if a>3:
>       print "That must've been complicated"
> =======================================================

Thats exactly right, well done.
( Actually since I think you started with a=0 you might 
 want to change the test to if a >=3 but thats nitpicking 

> So, this "while loop" ends only when I enter
> unicorn.(right?)
> How can I make it ends either when I enter "unicorn"
> (right password) or wrong password more than three
> times?

The wrong password will cause 'a' to be incremented thus 
you can exit when a >= 3 or, to reverse the logic, 
keep the loop going while a < 3.

So just combine the tests using the 'and' operator:

while (passwd != "unicorn") and (a < 3):
   # do your thing here....


Alan g.