[Tutor] need to use # sign
Danny Yoo
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 14:09:33 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Watt III, Glenn wrote:
> ok im writing a cgi and i need to use the # sign in a url. i tried
> putting one of these guys down \# but that didnt seem to help like it
> does with quotes. is there any way to keep it from reading as comment?
There's a different form of escape character to protect weird characters
in URLs. Try the 'urllib.quote()' function:
>>> urllib.quote("#some_text")
If the url contains spaces, we can use the quoteplus() function instead:
>>> urllib.quote("glenn watt")
>>> urllib.quote_plus("glenn watt")
Hope this helps!